
D. D. Assailant why is it good?

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what does the effect really mean

(pros and cons)




  1. I would be more than happy to answer this question. I myself am a local tournament level player who runs a warrior deck including a D.D Assailant. People often get this card affect confused with D.D Warrior Lady and wonder what the difference is! D.D Warrior Lady's effect says you CAN remove the 2 monsters from play after damage calculation, therefor if it attacks something weaker than itself such as Marshmallon or Spirit Reaper, you could remove them both from play to get rid of there 'wall'. D.D Assailant's effect however activated only when it is destroyed by battle, therefor you CANNOT CHOSE to use its effect. It still proves to be a useful effect, for example if you set it face down defense position, and its attacked by a Vampire Lord, both monsters would be removed from play, and Vampire Lord would not return. I hope comparing his effect to D.D Warrior Ladys and showing this example of its utility answered your question.

  2. when it's destroyed in battle, you remove assailant and the monster that destroyed it in battle. so if a cyber dragon attacks dd assailant, both monsters will be removed during the damage calculation. its good because with its effect you can take out the strongest monsters when its destroyed

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