
D&D online?

by  |  earlier

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I'm interested in D&D, but nobody I know wants to play. I've heard that it's possible for one to play D&D on an irc client, but I can't find one. Is there any way to play pen-and-paper D&D online, that is, with other players and a DM?




  1. Haven't used irc in a long time - the lack of a battlemat plugin makes it tough to play tactically. You might look into OpenRPG - on any given night there's usually one or two campaigns recruiting for players on one of their servers. Also, with the Living Realms RPGA campaign just starting up next month, that's a chance to get in on a worldwide campaign with a very strong online presence. Wizards will have their own online battlemat tool (if they can work the bugs out) - it will require shelling out for a D&D Insider subscription to use it, however IIRC.

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