
D Hero Plasma Staple Card?

by Guest62698  |  earlier

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Would you consider Plasma a staple card?

This is for Yu-Gi-Oh




  1. plasma sucks man it is a crappy card man all u ahve to do is one of three things

    Bottomless Trap Hole

    Torrential Tribute

    Solemn Judgment

  2. no only use him in dark return deck

  3. no its is an 8 star monster which takes 3 sacrifices n is easily beat by monarchs or six samurai also u could lose control of it wit brain control, enemy contoller or lose it permanetly to creature swap and it can easily be destroyed wit bottomless trap hole fissure smashing ground rageki break lightning vortex tribute to the doomed although it does have a powerful effect it has a major downside

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