
D O G...S N O R i N G?

by Guest31661  |  earlier

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My 8 Week old Chihuahua/Yorkie Mix Is Snoring [I Think]..But He Is Making This Really Weird Sound While He's Sleeping.

Do Dogs Snore Or Should I Be Concerned?




  1. Yes dogs snore.  Some more than others.  I wouldn't worry unless it starts seeming like he can't breathe, otherwise let him sleep.  My little guy snores and he's right in my ear usually doing it, I got used to it.

  2. yes they do!!! i have a Boston Terrier and she snores so loud that if I dont get to sleep before she does. If I dont it is hard for me to sleep. so dont be worried snoring for dogs is normal. depending on the dreams they will make louder and wierder sounds. good luck with the little one.

  3. Yes they do, we've had a few dogs that snored. Its really cute.

  4. I believe dogs snore. We have two rottweilers and my poor poor husband has to endure nightly my loud ear-drum shattering snoring as well as my two babies snoring away. To top it off, the dogs and I are bed hoggers too!

  5. yes dogs snore lol

    but at 8 weeks im not sure if he should be

    i mean, he may have an allergy that is making him snore

    i would take him in, just ask the doctor what his allergies are, and (since your there) if it's normal that he snores
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