
D. TEST, How should i greet my driving tester tomorrow?

by  |  earlier

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I want to say something to the guy so he will like me and not fail me when i yet again drive over about 3 lanes in one roundabout...

funniest thing to say gets ten points!

I'm thinking i might say something like, "we might be in the papers tomorrow!"




  1. Tell him he's amazing and if he doesn't pass you, then you will drive anyway and he can't control you. FIGHT THE MAN!

  2. "Hey, you want a pie? Lemme just get one out of the back seat..."

  3. good luck! u cudv told me so i cud tell u good luck b4 u actually do it! lol

    I like the one about we might be in the papers tomorrow lol

    i think when I do mines though i'm gonna just go with 'please be nice to me' n put on the puppy dog eyes n the quivering lip. lol

    or tell him if you don't pass you won't be able to drive your sick fish to the pet hospital for its operation and that if you can't take it there it'll die and does he want that on his concienss? (=S I don't know how to spell that lol)

    lol good luck! x*x

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