
D&c what to expect???

by  |  earlier

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I just had a miscarriage two days ago, and i was 6 to 7 weeks pregnant, i have to go in for a d&c in a couple days, i have never been under surgery and i'm really scared from what a few people have told me about d&c's. what am i to expect? and what am i to expect afterwords? will i be aloud to go back to work afterwords?




  1. You'll be fine.  You will be put to sleep and next thing you know, you wake up and it's all done.  You may or may not feel a small dull pain in your cervix from the dialation, and you will be bleeding (lightly) for anywhere up to a week, but it is quite a painless procedure, and you should be home same day.

    As it is surgery, you should take a few days of work - sometimes the anaesthetic can make you tired for a few days.

    Sorry to hear about your miscarriage.

  2. I am very sorry for your loss.  Really, the procedure itself is not that bad.  I have had one.  It only lasts about 30-45 minutes.  You will be put to sleep.  When you wake, you will be groggy and crampy.  You will have some bleeding.  Mine lasted about 10-14 days.  Worse the first week, then tapered off to spotting.  They gave me a script for pain meds which I took for a couple of days.  Probably more to help me sleep and get my mind of things than anything.  The pain wasn't that bad.  Motrin would have helped and that's all I needed after a couple of days.

    Your doc will probably see you back within a week or two and do a sonogram to be sure everything is clear and will probably monitor your blood to be sure the hcg levels are dropping.

    My best to you...

  3. You should have a general anesthetic and then any waste material will be scraped out of your uterus. You won't feel a thing during the procedure but may be a little uncomfortable afterwards. You should be able to go home a few hours later. You may be offered counseling as miscarriage is a traumatic experience.  
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