
D english /E maths /DD buisness studies?

by Guest33168  |  earlier

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I am sorry but these are my sons mock exam results and he says they are not failed but to me they look like they are fails i thought a c was a pass am i wrong or is he telling lies.He is in year 10.




  1. I'm a teacher and if a student of mine got these I would call them a fail and then work hard with him to improve the grades in GCSE in yr 11. There's hope with the English and BS but he'll have to work hard to get that Maths E to a C grade.

    Schools count A* - C grades in their results and consider all others fails.

  2. A D is the nations average, most people go up 1-2 grades then what they got on there mocks. U is the only fail, he wasn't lying! Anyway a D in year 10 is fine he'll prolly get B's next summer!

  3. seriously others including me would regard those grades as fail

    but its good considering they are mock and your son is i year 10. for example in year 10 mock in law i got a e and in year 11 mock i got a b , cast improvement can be made easily

  4. ALL grades from A* to G ARE PASSES.  Only U is a fail.

  5. A "c" is usually the lowest pass mark people look for. It is just a way of grading A is best and F is the lowest. You only fail with an "n" or "u" grade. So they are a pass as such just not very good ones!

  6. They are not fails but a grade C is the average grade, the only grade that is an actual fail is a U. Many people do worse in their mocks than in their actual GCSE's and my teachers told me that by the time you starts your GCSE's you should get a grade higher than your mock results. I wouldn't worry too much at the minute though.

  7. I don't think they are allowed to 'fail' kids at school these days!!

    It doesn't really matter anyway he can still go to college at 16 whatever grades he gets at school.  After that GCSE's aren't as important as the a level or vocational grades he gets.

    If he plans to leave get a job at 16  though he needs decent GCSE's.

  8. I think it's only an F thats a fail. You just have different passes; A-C Pass etc.

    Teachers told us we would most likely go up a grade when it came to our GCSEs (still awaiting result so can't prove that).

    You son may of just had a hard set of papers :)

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