
DAMMIT,please need help?

by  |  earlier

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Di that ever happened to you?

my last bill of att is $974,i didn't call out of the country or went everoller.

i used internet for like i would say 1 hour.and they charged all that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

what can i do for not paying that.




  1. did you use dial-up??? and used the wrong area code....yes, then they will charge you long distance!!

  2. That happened to me but I called and disputed it. They sent the disputed bill to another department and only charged me for my normal monthly bill.

    You will need to dispute your bill even if it means calling, getting put on hold, getting transferred or having to fill out paperwork.

    If you deny all charges and dispute this large amount they will most likely write it off as a denial.

    Sometimes it's a pain and takes time, but well worth disputing.

    Don't pay for calls or charges you didn't make.

    It wouldn't be fair to you.

    If some of the charges are internet related, there may be a chance you got into a site that was long distance, but I would personally still dispute the charges and stick to not having to pay.

    As upsetting as this is, try not to worry and work it out with your phone company.

    Good luck and God bless you.

  3. if you are suing a dial up moden, your access number my be out of your area and andwhen you go online you are being billed for long distance calls, if you use adial up modem, call your local phone company andtell them you need a number in your area code

    you cna dispute thebill, but you may be required ot pay it til the dispute is settled, if you don't ,they can and will cut off your phoner service i had it happen to me

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