
DAP curriculum, NACCP, and child made classsroom stuff.?

by  |  earlier

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Im starting at a new daycare where they are getting NACCP accrediated. They want a DAP environment, and they want everything made by the kids. This includes the borders for the bullentin boards. Can anyone explain how to make borders that kids make, and any other ideas for a classroom where everything is hand made by the kids, mostly classroom decorations, etc, posters, books, etc. Please explain how this will work. They also use the Galielo assesment system, so how do I do portfoilo's for this, please advise????




  1. Relax...

    DAP is Developmentally Approrpriate Practice.  They want children being able to move from product oriented art to process oriented art, which is basically allowing the children to create the artwork their ownselves.   I have never heard of any program having the children to make their own border...that seems a little extreme.  But through Mailbox magazines, they have a lot of neat ideas regarding bulletin boards and I would take one of those and adapt it to meet your needs.  Also...look into Creative Resources for the Early Childhood Classroom 4th ed.   This book helped a great deal when my classroom was being  NAEYC accredited.  

    I don't know much about the Galielo...but most districts are moving away from portfolio assessment and want more solid assessment.  I know that I use Creative Curriculum assessment, which requires tons of observation on my part.

  2. It is a wonderful concept. Just let the kids paint their hands or feet and cut them out for borders. Let them design with all kinds of media. Let your mind tell you what the children can do and ask them how they would like things to look.

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