

by  |  earlier

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i have a 13 year old,who will not stay by herself anywhere in our home, she is a normal cocky, I'm right teenager,but is scared going to toilet,bedtime, if we are in garden,the house is safe,I'm at a loss what to do, me,her dad ,brother don't feel any ghosts,anyone else with same problem?




  1. nope

  2. you might want to have her talk to someone professionally...I was the same way when I was younger, but it hit me when I was in 3rd grade. It was basically panic attacks - I needed someone to be there with me or I felt scared and alone. I was even uncomfortable sometimes with people I normally was fine around - I remember crying and refusing to go to piano lessons once, even though I'd been to the same teacher for at least a year! I always needed to have my mom or dad around - and FORGET being alone anywhere!! Talk to her and get her to tell you how she feels when she is alone, you need to get the issue resolved before it gets any worse.

  3. Maybe sit her down and ask her exactly why she doesn't feel comfortable alone?

    If anything if she has a I-Pod or MP3 just listening to it as a sense that there's someone else there with her, it might calm her nerves a bit. It's based off the thought if you leave the T.V. on when your not home your dog might not be a noisy or tear the place up because no one seems there? Sounds a little out there to compare a human to a four legged creature but it's just a suggestion.

  4. When I was about 13 I was also afraid to be alone, I was terrified to go to sleep at night and stay home when nobody was there. I was afraid of what would happen to me if someone broke in to my house. My parent bought an alarm system which connected directly to the police which made me feel safer during the day. To cure my night time terror my parents got me a dog and let him sleep with me in my room... almost like a watch dog to protect me. This helped me alot in order to become a more trusting and secure person. I hope you will try these suggestions because they really do work they helped me. I hope they will help your daughter. Good Luck!

  5. hey shes my twin!!!

    i started watching the crime chanel!

    with fbi files and murders!!!

    and i thought those thing were going to happen to me!!

    you have pictures in your head!!!!

    and its real scary !!!

    i know what shes going through!

    btw im 13!!!!

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