
DAW PPV Draw the line WQ inside?

by Guest66991  |  earlier

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The night starts with the new GM Stone Cold Steve Austin. He says that tonight we will see the Extreme Championship, Tag Team Championships, DAW Championship, and World Heavyweight Championship defended in one match, and who evers team wins they are the champions

1) Tag Team Titles contenders match

The Million Dollar Men ( Ted DiBiase and Ted DiBiase Jr) vs APA (JBL and Ron Simmions) vs Rhino and Edge vs Suicide and Death X

winners Suicide and Death X after Edge went for the Reverse DDT on JBL, when Death X hit the Death Penalty (Sliced Bread No.2 into a Cutter) on Edge for the pin

In the back with AJ Styles. He says that tonight he and HBK have a chance to become DAW Tag Team Champions. And when they do Styles will be a 3 time tag team champion. Then X-Pac came in and said the minit Pac returns he is going to make Styles wish he was dead.

2) Hernandez vs Batista

winner after the Batista Bomb Batista

During the match Batista injured his knee and was cared to the back

3) Last Man Standing

Triple H vs Chris Jericho

winner Chris Jericho after Triple H was pushed off a ladder through a table

After the match Jericho applied the Walls of Jericho on Triple H but Tomko came in and hit the Tree Slam on Jericho

4) DAW Championship Contenders Match

Big Show vs Mark Henry vs Test vs Bobby Lashley vs James Storm

winner Bobby Lashly after a spear on Storm for the win

5) DAW Womens Championship

Lita vs ODB

winner and still champion Lita after the DDT

6) High Killers Contenders Match

Christian vs Jey Lethal vs Homicide vs Rey Mysterio vs Chavo vs Super Crazy

winner Rey Mysterio after a 619 to Homicide for the pin

7) DAW Extreme Championship Contenders Match

John Morrison vs The miz vs D-Lo Brown

winner The Miz after the Reality Check on Brown

In the back with Kane. He says that tonight he will come in champion and leave champion. It doesn't matter if he comes in first or last, he will be champion.

8) DAW Heavyweight Championship Contenders Match

Tommy Dreamer vs Sabu vs Raven vs Kurt Angle vs Mr. Kennedy

winners after a double pin Kurt Angle and Sabu

Then Stone Cold comes out. He says that they are going to finish this right now in a hardcore match

9) DAW World Heavyweight Championship contenders Match/ Hardcore

Sabu vs Kurt Angle

winner Sabu after the Arabian Leg Drop through a table for the pin

10) Cage match with a weapon covered roof/ DAW Tag Team, Extreme, High Killers, Heavy Weight, and DAW championships

Kane, Undertaker, Jeff Hardy, Jason Morgan, Chris Daniels and CM Punk vs Petey Williams, Matt Hardy, Abyss, AJ Styles, HBK, and Sting

(Order of Entry)



Jeff Hardy

Matt Hardy


Petey Williams


Jason Morgan

CM Punk

Chris Daniels


AJ Styles

winners and new champions Petey Williams, Matt Hardy, Abyss, AJ Styles, HBK, and Sting

WQ: Black and White NWO or Black and Red NWO




  1. too much to read.

    WQ b&w

  2. Ok please Explain to me why the h**l Rhyno and Edge are teaming up. if you wanted to team up people who will never team up in real life you certainly made one then. those two will not work together as good as Christian and rhyno or Edge and christian

    Black and Red NWO. why. well i dont know. NWO is NWO dont matter wich colour.

    and red and black NWO was called Wolf Pack i think and not Red and black NWO

  3. WA-Black & White..

    I know you put a lot of effort into this, so good job!

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