
DC HZ meter or multimeter?

by  |  earlier

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Does anyone know where to find a mater that just measures DC hertz? I can't find one that's cheap. A link would be nice. Also, it can be a multimeter too




  1. They are not cheap. Your best bet is ebay used.

  2. I'll answer that for you. DC hertz is, and get a multimeter for everything else. Have a nice day.

  3. Actually you can have DC frequency. off and on makes a square wave. This is frequency. PWM generators use this feature for one among many other uses. AC just means that you are going above and below 0 volts ( positive and negative). Just find a DMM that has a Hz button on it. Some may not read at certain voltages tho. Fluke has nice ones that are at Sears for not too much money. And you aren't measureing FROM a sub, you are wanting to measure FROM the amp. The sub does not generate frequency, it just reproduces what the amp gives it using air.

  4. Okay, here's the problem:  hZ is a measurement of frequency, and frequency is a property of AC voltage, not DC.  

    That said, here's a cheap multimeter with a frequency/duty cycle function:

    A subwoofer doesn't have "hertz".  It might have a frequency response rating, which you can get from the manufacturer's literature.  The audio signal sent to the subwoofer will have a frequency that can be measured, but unless you're sending a pure sine wave (test tone) then you can't get an accurate reading because there will be more than one frequency present in the signal.  Of course, if you're sending a test tone, you usually already know what the frequency is.

    Can you tell us just what exactly you're trying to find out about your subwoofer?

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