
DCS? Aneurysm? What could this be?

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A week ago I was swimming in a pool, I had a contest with my friend, usually, I have a really good ability to hold my breath for up to 2 minutes under water, but I had gotten a bit rusty, it had been about a year since I'd last tried it. I basically challenged him to a underwater contest, who could get back and forth twice, in one breath. He could only do once, and I did twice. I barely made it. At the end, before I dived up, I had an extreme, extreme throbbing pain in my neck, which somewhat lead into a headache. When I'd surfaced it became what seemed a hundred times worse. Now whenever I do somewhat strenuous tasks(Cardio, Running, Martial Arts, Lifting), I get a severe throbbing pain in my neck, and sometimes a headache. If I could, I'd see a doctor about it, but I'm 18, and have absolutely no insurance. So, are there any people who could try to diagnose what may have occurred? My only findings so far are that it could have been DCS, but is it really possible to get DCS in a pool?




  1. I can assure you, it's not a DCS hit. No way, nope and not a chance.

    1/ In a pool, it's doubtful you got below 30 feet

    2/ You'd have to had breathed some gas out of a compressed cylinder.


    3/ You'd have to have been down substantially longer than 2 minutes at 30 feet. Hours...many of them.

  2. If it is an Aneurysm you need to have this check as soon as possible. You could get seriously ill or worse if you don't. My dad had one in his brain a few months ago and if he would have wated any longer he could have died. My step-dad waited to long to see a doctor when he was sick and did die. His wasn't an aneurysm but he didn't go. Please have this check. Good Luck. I wish you the best.

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