I have never owned (or played) DDR before, but after having a lot of fun on Wii Fit with the Advanced Step, I was left craving a little more step-action, different routines, and a longer stretch of activity.
I decided to take a look at DDR: Hottest Party, and the reviews have been lukewarm at best. I also know that there is a DDR: Hottest Party 2 coming out later this month.
If you've played the Wii DDR, how well do you like it? Does anyone know if there is improved functionality for the sequel (like not having to reset your preferences every time you play)?
I am having trouble deciding if it is worth the plunge to
1) Get the game, or
2) Wait and get the sequel instead.
I don't have any other consoles, and am not willing to go buy a PS2 for "better" DDR play.