
DDR upstairs???????????

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I wanna play ddr upstairs? Is it safe? My dad tells me that the house will collapse if i play ddr upstairs. I'm only 95 pounds...I live in a 45 year old house??? Is he telling the truth??? Help please! I don't wanna become a hobo!




  1. Lol no way! I weigh 110 lbs and I played with 2 players (other player weighs 82) and nothing happened. I don't know about your house's materials and stuff. Try not to jump to hard, it won't collapse but you might break something downstairs(or make it seem like an earthquake.)

  2. Not if you use the one with the mat.

    If you use the arcade version then yes it will fall apart.

  3. As long as you're not pounding away on a flimsy, rotten floor, nooooo, it shouldn't hurt anything.

    He's probably more worried about the vibrations it makes.  Even with a nice light person, stomping and jumping on those pads can make a lot of noise.  

    If you get a nice mat with an inch of foam in it instead of a flimsy one, it will both help your gameplay and reduce vibrations.  If you have a flimsy one, you can maybe get an inch-thick foam from a craft store or something and staple your mat to it (Just the edges!)  

    Also, you can put it on a piece of plywood.  The advantage of this is that you can raise it above the floor just a little (as in, slip two quarters under each corner.)

  4. i tried this once.

    now i have to use the library computer because ours fell through the floor and got destroyed.

    and my parents are both working 2 jobs so we can afford to buy a little 1 room hut by the river.

    if only i hadn't played ddr upstairs...

  5. hahaha thats funny but i dont think it will cause the ouse to collapse! it will probably be very noisy though stick with downstairs

  6. Oh jeez. No your house is not going to collapse. Come on, have some common sense. If your upstairs can hold all your furniture and stuff, it can hold you.  

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