
DEATH PENALTY - for what crimes should we have it in force?

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Theonomists (those who love the Law of God) would say all of the Biblical punishments should be in force, not just for murder, although that is a starting place.

Liberals discount even the New Testament statements declaring the Law as GOOD! and useful for punishments as outlined in the Law itself.




  1. Murder


    Aggravated assualt on a child

  2. I'm against anything supporting an "eye for an eye". We should just lock these people up and find better ways to contain criminals.

  3. Murder and Rape...

    I for one am not softhearted like some on this question. I understand the whole forgive and forget. Any country that is free has to remember that it was built by the blood of the there soldiers. I had an uncle that was murdered while he slept in his bed by his wife, do I think she should die, yes. My heart does not bleed for those who have no mercy on there victims. Anyways compared to all the ones locked up they are living better than 30% of the economy, so of course they wouldn't agree...

    Unless you have never had any kind of murder or violence like that infect you or your family, no leg to stand on...

  4. Jesus said NOT to seek an eye for an eye.  He made a point of bringing up that part of the OT to refute it and He is the Light, so I'm told.  Jesus set the example he wanted us to follow by  forgiving the men who murdered him.  The death penalty isn't just immoral it's un-Christian.  Leave the killing to God.

  5. Murder One, and for no other crime.

  6. Wow its 2008 and people still want to live by Old Testament rules - eye for eye leaves everyone blind.  How about this capital punishment for those that commit murder 1.  If you want the government to live by religious rules/codes, then become a Quaker/Amish, move to a conservative Muslim country, or form your own.

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