
DEBATE: Should Australia embrace nuclear energy?

by Guest57701  |  earlier

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i'm in D grade and could really use the help!!!

any suggestion i dont know if im negative or affirmative.




  1. you are affirmtive. Every nation should be investing in nuclear and wind primarily. They are the most cost effecient at this point. Countries should make use of every type of alternate energy available. Nuclear is a clean safe technology. Increasingly China will continue to shift ot a oil dependant country. Oil fields are in decline. We want ANY type of energy  before opec cannot meet demand by 2017. It isn't so matter a question of what type, it is take any type before oil goes to 250 a barrel in the coming years. No powereplant in a westernized country should be coal powered.

  2. A big NO

  3. No because if nuclear power is so safe why do we have to bury the waste in the middle of nowhere in specially made containers.

    Australia has plenty of sun and wind we should be enhancing this power not giving our children and grandchildren another problem in the future because we can't learn to conserve and use what we have.

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