
DEBATE: Should parents discipline their children? Yes or No?

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We are having a debate for our Personal Growth & Development subject <our teacher is our priest>. Our group was assigned for the NO answer. We are having hard time to defend the answer since usually YES is the answer. So can you give me reasons why should parents NOT discipline their children? you can also give me links about it or you can give me the opinions from authors or famous persons in the society from different places. We are needed to give at least 15 reasons why.




  1. yes

  2. Ohh thats tough.

    But The only thing that comes to mind is something I learned about in my psychology class last yea, Kohlbergs stages of moral development.;s_...

    I guess you could talk about how children only do what they are going to based if they will get in trouble or not.

    You could say that eventually anybody will reach the fitting in with society stage, regardless of discipline.

    It doesn&#039;t make that much sense, but it might give you a few bullet points.  Good luck!

  3. it&#039;s easiest not to disicipline them

    (do u mean smack or teach the differance?)

    kids need to have fun

    kids don&#039;t understand

  4. Okay to disipline means to teach and model good behavior it doesn&#039;t even really mean to punish althoug that is often part of disipline. So theirs no defense of not disiplining, did they mean not phisicly punishing? If so try

  5. are you talking bout smacking them or teaching the difference between right and wrong

  6. Discipline, not spanking or hitting I take it? THEY Learn Boundaries, respect, if children don&#039;t have direction, they will be in trouble and cops will be doing the disciplining!! GOOD LUCK

  7. I had a similar assignment on women&#039;s rights, where I was part of the group saying women shouldn&#039;t have rights.

    For your topic, you could argue that parents shouldn&#039;t discipline their children because some are likely to take it too far in the heat of the moment and physically hurt the child. And, studies have shown that spanking/smacking/hitting your kids to teach them wrong from right is detrimental because then they grow up to do that to their children. Also, the effects can be mentally scarring.

    Good luck with your debate. :D

  8. There is no reason for it. That&#039;s what parents are for. If parents didn&#039;t discipline their children this world would be more messed up than it already is. Everyone would just be running wild.  

  9. no

  10. I can not think of one good answer for not discipling your child unless this shouldn&#039;t discipline them for something they did not purposely do..such as being potty trained and have an accident,or for crying when they get hurt or something like that...

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