

by  |  earlier

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I'm 45. I have an upper and lower bridge, each with apporximately 8 "teeth." My new dentist took comprehensive x-rays (top and bottom and instead of them being on fil, they showed up on his computer program. This was approximately four months ago. He replaced my lower bridge new provisional after building up anchors etc.. My TOP bridge (also a provisional, but a high quality provisional) made a few years ago, is now VERY loose. This dentist insists on taking ANOTHER FULL set of X-rays for $175 BEFORE he can do anything. He also wants about $20 in interest charges because he tacked on $800 in "unexpected" work the last time I saw him. Two questions:

1. About how much profit is he making on those X-rays--and are they needed again? 2. I pay cash and an NOT rich yet he wants about $15,000 paid UP-FRONT before he will continue b/c he said I didn't follow up as much as he wanted and is afraid to get sued. Good dentist? Yes. But he seems ALL about $. What's YOUR feedback.




  1. The bridgework and xrays price mentioned is just about what is normally quoted. Still, in your better interest go in for a second opinion to another dentist in your area. Dentist making you pay $20 from past delayed payment is not nice of him. See this  interesting link that was forwarded to me by a friend which may come handy to possibly save some hard earned money.

  2. I work in the dental field,  and I must tell you,  before you agree to anything,  I would get another doctors opinion.   Yes,  some x-rays can be necessary to determine exactly what should be done,  some dentists need more taken than others,  and some insurance companies require some as well,  but yes,  they do make a fair profit from them.  What I would be more leary of is what you call " unexpected work" .     If you like your new provisional,  and feel you paid a fair price for it,  and therefore want to let this dentist proceed to more,  that is up to you.    However, any good dentist would never be upset that a patient went to get another opinion,   the ones that get upset are those that don't want others to see what they are prescribing.    

    For that kind of money ( $15,000 !)   I would recommend you take the time to visit another dentist in your area you feel would be upfront with you.    You will either learn you are being taken advantage of,  or you will learn your present dentist is accurate and trustworthy.     For that kind of fees,  I wouldn't accept the diagnosis without a backup opinion.

    Your teeth,  and your money,  and your peace of mind are worth investigating it out elsewhere,  and then making a decision.

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