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What helps you feel better:

Letting yourself cry

Telling yourself to suck it up and move on

Other (Please Explain)




  1. crying helps alot, it makes you feel alot better, and also take daily walks and you will notice a difference also.

  2. crying just led me into a downward spiral.  i went to a therapist, got antidepressants, and those helped me to suck it up and move on.  you have to push yourself to get out of that cycle.

  3. Crying is good. i have suffered from depression for a long time. doing something for someone else is a good thing to get your mind off of what is going on in your life that is causing your depression. it depends on what it is about and how severe. but def. do something for someone you love. go shopping when its bad, watch a movie, make a list of all the good things in your life. i have more suggestions if none of these work. i handled mine in a very bad way and made things worse so i've spent alot of time trying to find ways to make it better.  

  4. Um....all of those...

    Plus listening to GOOD loud music.

    I always get in my car, turn the radio up and take a drive.  Makes me feel 100% better.

  5. Let yourself cry, get it all out. Then try to move on. It can happen every day like this, crying and trying to move on. But eventually it helps a lot.

  6. Other:

    Try reading beautiful poems, like Desiderata.

    It helps me feel better when i'm down.

    Good luck  ; )

  7. i think crying helps me more, but even after that i still feel bad

  8. cry it all out first as much as you can.

    then find help. talk to a close friend or councilor.

  9. Other:

    Detaching myself from my problems

    i tend to think of everything like its a movie

    its not happening to me, im a bystander

    and it doesnt matter

    it really does work, but i tend to feel the

    same way about important things such

    as school work .. and i end up not caring lol

  10. Letting myself cry always makes me feel better

  11. Other, go and make and appointment with your school counselor and have a talk with him/her, it will help a whole lot, trust me.  

  12. Surround yourself with people.  I've been feeling down for the past couple of days and nothing helped me more than talking to my father about anything and everything.  Seriously,  just sit down and try to discuss how you're feeling with someone or people you trust.  I'm no expert but it helped me.

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