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its funny i posted a question early saying who will win detroit lions or giants everyone said giants by a long shot like 48 to 3 but LIONS won 10 to 13 against the champions giants and dont even say its just a preseason game cuz all the staters played in the first half and we dominated them what do you guys think about the lions win




  1. Who cares. You didn't dominate if you won by 3. It's the preseason it doesn't matter. The starters weren't player as hard because they know they will start.

  2. Its a preseaon game so no one cares. ALOT of c**p can happen in a whole half, in fact alot can happen in just two minutes. I mean look what the Patriots tend to do to other teams in the last quarter. They came back on the Colts last year to pick up the win anyway. Besides, I dont think the starters played for a whole half anyway, it must have been a few series or maybe a quarter.

    Lions suck dude.....get over it!

  3.   Yeah it's preseason but.... It's the Lions Dude!!! Come on!!! They've sucked since Sanders split....actually they sucked then too. Relax it's only August.

  4. LOL hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahah. IT IS PRESEASON you didn't dominate them u won by three. and just cause their starters were in for a while doesn't mean they tried lol.

    Detriot Lions 08- 5-11 look at their schedule, come on

  5. Lions contenders. Playoffs or bust.

  6. its preseason which means teams work on things even things they normally don't do so don't get too much of a hard on yet, lions will still suck this year lol

  7. I grew up in Detroit, but live in California... And a die hard Loins fan... I love to see Loins go to the Super Bowl before I die... A lot of people don't give them a change... With the right coaching I think that with a lot of hard work and keeping the right mind set they can make it... They should not listen to the press the way they bad mouth them... Look at what the Detroit Tigers did in the being season now they are doing better... Sorry for going on but I though you listen...


  8. see how this goes the rest of the season.  I'll give you $500 if the Lions win more than seven

  9. Well duh they are the lions, they always win. Kitna is awsome!

  10. Look man, the whole organization is a complete joke.  The owner is probably the worst in sports (maybe the LA Clippers owner is worse).  You could come up with a better draft than Matt Millen, and the coach is not head coach material.  He is a quality football coordinator but not a head coach.  Good players go to Detroit to die.  Period.  8-8 is my perdiction for the year

  11. Its pre-season dude!!!! Don't get too excited now.

    ok Starters played 1st half, and you guys dominated? why is the score 13-10 then?


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