
DFX w/Yahoo! Music Jukebox Plus isn't even close to what I had bought for Music Match??

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I migrated from Music Match Jukebox Plus w/Music on Demand to Yahoo Music Jukebox Plus Unlimited. All went fine. Except the add-ins I had w/Music Match. DFX 8 with all it's skins simply isn't there (a scaled down version of DFX is). MP3 Remix is simply not available. I'm not real thrilled with Yahoo Music so far.




  1. MMJB was the king of the feature rich players and still is as long as you don't want to download more music with it.  All the features will still work except the music download store and the radio and on-demand.  You may get MMJB to do most of it's same things with downloads from other mp3/wma store purchases on the web. Try a download from another source and see if MMJB cooperates. An MP3 is an MP3. MMJB doesn't care where it came from.  I have many mp3's on my MMJB from other's, floppies, live recordings converted on the fly to mp3, downloads from all over the web, and MMJB likes them all.

          Now if you ever have to reinstall MMJB, that may be a problem unless you have a MMJB cd or the original install package. You won't be able to download it. The best thing is to have a Ghost or Acronis true image of your drive to fall back on in case one day your pc won't boot for whatever reason.

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