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first let me state that my sons doctor appointment is at 3pm today. my son is six months old last week up until today he had a cold,which i now have. runny nose, scratchy throat, low grade fever.. any ways yesterday i changed about 4 poopy diapers, i propably shouldn't call them diarrhea, each diaper was different. i was trying to think what was different, i did give him baby motrin for the first time the day before, does that cause diarrhea? and on monday he ate stage 2 oatmeal with applesauce and bananas(more a constipator) which he has eaten many times with no problems, and in the evening he ate something new stage 2 mac and cheese.. could that be it? but that was monday evening and he is still pooping lots.his last bottle was at 12am and drank it all this morning his bottle was at 630am and he only drank 3 oz and again at 9 and only one oz.. i have no answers and too many it teething? he has no teeth.. has anyone had this happen? i'm so worried because hes not eating.. wish i could get a sooner dr. appt..




  1. Hello, It can be two things, It could be a virus. Teething is another, they are about the same symptoms, My son had that around 6 months lots and lots of diarrhea. I kept taking him to the doctor, he finally said it's teething. He said if he had a virus it would be gone in a week. Usually a virus does not live longer than a week. If it is longer it's for sure teething. Is he drooling alot. Look inside his mouth, do his gums look swollen. If he has lots of diarrhea, keep his diaper off for a while, so he does not have a bad rash. I would take him to the doctor just to make sure. Your doing good by keeping him hydrated. If he does not eat, keep giving him milk, its ok.Good luck

  2. The Mac and Cheese could do it. He might not do well with Dairy.. Try to give him some Pedialyte  you don't want him to be dehydrated.  Had he had wet diapers?  Motrin needs to be taken with food\formula anything.  It's not good to be given on an empty stomach, that could cause it as well.  It could be teething, it gets blamed for everything. Rashes, diaper rashes and so on. It takes awhile for the teeth to come through, we just went through the begining of teething, my 11month now has 4 teeth and 2 more on the way!!! Good Luck with Everything, I hope your son feels better.  It's so hard to see them sick and you can't do anything to help them, but hold them and comfort them.. Call your doctors office see if they'll take you earlier.. Someone always cancels.

  3. anything new that you give you baby could cause an upset stomach like the motrin although it doubt that is causing it. It could just be the motrin on top of an all ready upset stomach. The diarrhea is most likely not from anything that he has eaten but probably from the virus that he has. It is more important that he drinks than eats. I know my pediatrician tells me all the time when my daughter gets something like this......the only danger of a virus like this is dehydration. Give lots of fluids and watch for a wet diaper about once every hour to two hours. I know you are just being a mom but I am sure he will be fine. Only a few more hours until you get to the docs. and then your mind will be able to rest a bit. Good luck and hang in there. Hoping you and your little one are feeling better real soon!

  4. If you had an emergency the doctor would have gotten you in sooner or sent you to an emergency clinic.  Just try to get some pediolight into baby until he sees the doctor.  Your biggest worry right now is hydration.

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