
DICLOFENIC, has anyone been on this?

by  |  earlier

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Have been taking this for over a year, due to osteoarthritis. Suddenly seems to have stoppped working. Am in agony. Can it wear off? Thanks




  1. It could be that your body has become tolerance to this drug. It does happen so I guess you should go & see your doctor.

  2. Yeah I take it for my knees and back during acute phases of pain.

    Try taking Glucosamine Sulphate too (its a really good supplement), it is great. Take it for a while and give your self a break from the diclofenac, you may find that when you try again, they work better for you.  maybe your body just needs a rest from them.  

  3. hi. I have only had diclofenic tablets for about 4 days when i hurt my back and after a while the pain dulled but i didn't feel them wearing off. to be shure i would consult your doctor. Just take the tablets when stated. I hope I helped  

  4. your body can get used to this ,or any other drug over time , i recomend you have a word with your GP

  5. tried it very briefly, but made me throw up

  6. I'm guessing your bod could get used to it. Maybe you need an increased strength. I personally can't tolerate diclofenic so my gp prescribed 'Naprosyn' (currently on 1000mg day). It might be worth asking your gp  

  7. You need to contact your Doctor as soon as possible as it seems you must take a stronger dosage or increase the painkillers you are taking along with your diclofenac.

    Don't attempt to self administer, let your doctor advise you on the proper procedure as you may need other treatment.

    Diclofenac is an anti-inflammatory and not a strong pain killer.

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