
DID HE DIE IN PAIN or in peace?

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My cousin over this weekend was hit by a car that jumped the curve and smacked into him. the car sent him 3o yds and was going about 80mph on impact.that besides the emotional state i'm going though one of my concerns is i was not there to see him die but he was dead on site he suffered massive head trauma. did he feel it? i have cryed constant for the last hour. i dnt kno what to do. i'm broken. everyting was going good for me until now. life seems worthless. heres the story if any ones intertested.




  1. My condolances to you and your family. Given the severity of the trauma, it is not he who is or was in pain - it is you.

  2. More than likely, honey, he didn't feel a thing. Massive head trauma is much "quicker" and "painless" than, say, abdominal trauma. Your cousin is in a better place, and would want you to go on living. Believe me, life goes on. Hang in there.  

  3. I'm sorry, but there's no way to tell from here; only the medics on the scene would have any idea, and maybe not even then.  In either event, he's not in pain now - you are.  It is the living who need to heal.

  4. in peace

  5. I am sorry for your loss. There is no telling if he felt it or not. Usually head trauma patients get knocked unconscious therefore they dont feel a thing. Life will seem very worthless for a while. That is part of the grieving process. Like there is no point in doing anything, even laying in bed. It will subside with time. It will never fully go away though. There will be times when something reminds you of him or you just think of him and cry. We are constantly grieving our loved one, whether or not we have accepted their death we still miss them. If you are a believer then you will probably doubt God at one point. Even though he is the only one who will make you feel better. Things will get better in time. Just be strong.

    My heart and prayer go out to you and your family.

  6. First, let me say that my heart goes out to you. Second, if your cousin died at the scene of the accident and suffered a catastrophic head injury, it is highly unlikely that he felt it. You should also know that pain is an ascending signal. Oversimplified, that means that pain travels from the body to the brain, and if he was knocked unconscious and since he suffered a brain injury, his brain would likely not have been able to interpret the pain signals. I've had several patients who have suffered injuries like your cousin's and they had no brain activity whatsoever and did not respond to pain at all which indicates that they were unable to feel pain. Also, considering the speed of impact, it is more than likely that he would have died on impact. I hope this helps.

  7. sorry for the loss.

    i would think he didnt feel it, it could have been an instant death.

  8. he definitely died instantly. theres no way he suffered. he went in peace.

  9. He probably died instantly. So he didn't suffer.  

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