

by  |  earlier

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Okay yes I am on Yahoo answers when I should maybe be calling the doctor but I was just at my appointment yesterday and they said I wasn't dialated...yesterday was my due date...but I got up to use the bathroom and when I wiped it was pink in color nothing like blood clots or anything just pinkish...then i went back and sat on the couch...and a trickle of fluid came out of me...and no it wasn't pee it was clear so i wiped again still everytime i move fluid comes out...not a lot but enough to wear i am wearing a pad...can someone please tell me whats up...i dont want to bug my doctor if i dont have to yet...its 4am...




  1. Do not wait!! When your water breaks you are more likely to get infection. Call the doc. It looks like this was posted an hour ago.. if you are still at home sitting on the couch, you need to call the doctor or go to the ER, regardless if you are having contractions.  

  2. Yes it does sound like your water broke.  With my first all I had was a tickle like that and no contractions.

  3. Sounds like your waters. Possibly your hind or fore waters, so there may still be alot more to come. phone your dr, who will probaly tell you to go to hospital just to check.

    Good luck

  4. sounds like it did break. I only trickled with my oldest...I gushed with my youngest. wait a few hours and if contractions have not started yet go to the hospital anyway. if your water has broken they HAVE to keep you regardless of how far you are dialated

  5. Congratulations!!! Your having your baby today! Start getting ready to go to the hospital. Make your phone calls, wake your husband, whatever. Once your water breaks you and the baby are open to infection. So my advice is not to wait. Pain or no pain, your baby is coming soon.

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