

by  |  earlier

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  1. yes

  2. Nope :)

  3. NOPE. The newspaper Industry is still a multi- billion dollar corporation. At least here in California

  4. The 24 hour newscycle is what is killing newspapers. People want and can get their news immediately via CNN, MSNBC and of course the Internet.

    I would think also on a lesser extent the environmental factor as well.

  5. How could it not?

    -but hey, think about all the trees that have been spared.  =)

  6. Duh.

  7. No, even though the internet offers news for free, most people still get the paper even if they don't read it, using it as a backup if they can't get on the internet

  8. Obviously

  9. i don't know any statistics,  but i'd probably guess a very small amount.  there are still tons of people who would prefer a hard copy of the news over the glare of a computer screen.

  10. Yes because its easier, cheaper and saves trees to go access the infinite archives of news online.

  11. Yes. Ironically much of the Internet news comes from newspapers and news services. Since the newspapers are losing advertising revenues with customers and they are cutting staff, ultimately the news that is on the Internet will suffer. We will all know a little about alot but don't count on in depth investigative reporting.

  12. i don't think so thats how they r available on net.

  13. The Internet and because people, mostly conservatives and moderates, have stopped using their product because they constantly slant the news

  14. i never thought of it but...................i guess.

  15. I don't think so; there's to many old people out there, and a hole lot of arts and crafts.

  16. yes, but the high paid columnists hurt it, too.

  17. somewhat

    though many people get their news from the web, many more still enjoy their morning news paper.

  18. It hurt those within the "newspaper" industry that viewed themselves as just that . . . a newspaper company.  Those that were able to look at the bigger picture and recognized that they are a provider of news and entertainment . . . not necessarily delivered via ink on paper, have been able to roll with the Internet just fine.

  19. Definatley, Im sure if you research newspaper circulation figures from ten years ago and compared them with todays there would be a massive difference.

    The internet allows people to get news 24/7, at any time of the day, newspaper articles are always a day behind, whereas the internet is up to date and updated frequently.

  20. I guess so...

    Buy a paper with news from several hours ago, or read all  the latest info on the internet for free...

  21. of course.

  22. No , the reporting in the newspapers hurt the newspapers .

    Sometimes we get fed up and don't want to take it anymore .

    I can not be fed anymore propaganda . I own more radios than I ever did before ; and I have news at my finger tips should I require it .

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