
DID you know that you can Google your OWN NAME?!?!?

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  1. A fun thing to do Ms. Zilla is to Google your YA user name.  Every question and answer you ever posted is listed.  I believe even the ones zapped by Yamster!


  2. I discovered I play baseball for the Chicago White Sox,I am a professional musician and a World poker champion.

    No wonder I'm tired.

  3. I just found that other sites are STEALING our Y!A content. As in lifting questions wholecloth and posting them to their own sites. The two I found included my name -- it looks exactly as if I posted to their forums. That's disgusting.

    One site is still open, so I've written to them, telling them to remove it and giving a very fake addy because I have no idea what they'd do with the real one (let's see if the fake shows up on 'my' profile tomorrow).

    Has anyone else found this?

  4. you can google ANYTHING!

  5. I googled my own name last night.  Fortunately, Google does not know I exist by name

  6. yes...i tried it once.

    there are a few sherls out there, but only one sherl pagan


  7. My son Googled my name and found a p**n actress with the same name. (No, she isn't me. Any p**n movie I was in would probably be a horror show.)

  8. of course!

    Look at how bad we got our butts kicked by UW.  I'm Jeff S (Shin)

    EDIT:  on a more positive note, this is my last college match ever!!!  and i won at #1.  take that University of San Francisco!

  9. I know.  I once googled my maiden name and I reached a poem I wrote and published YEARS ago, called The Lady's Prayer, a translation of the 23rd Psalm into Mother Earth language.

    It was nice to see it in "print."


    Lady Morgana

  10. If you want something scary, google your address.

  11. Yes, I knew but I do not know how to do that...waiting to know the procedure.

  12. yes!! i love to google my name

    and sometimes when i am bored and in stalker mode i google my ex boyfriends.. just you know to see if they are famous or anything...

  13. No I didn't know I can Google my own name.

    To me that is scary because if I can find out stuff about me anyone can. Which now I wonder how Google got my name and any information. I'm a very private person on the internet.


    Geesh now that Google says I gave $2,000 to politics in 2006. I'll have every one and their mother knocking on my door wanting donations. Where does a Domestic Engineer get that kind of money? I'd like to know cause I know I could use it. :-)

  14. I did, and I discovered that I live in California, Missouri, even WISCONSIN!!

  15. yes, i know it long before you did. :) the top result landed on my blog link.

  16. or the name of your garden, apparently...

  17. Yep, I do it often.

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