
DIRECT TV; Can anyone help? We have several channels out and they won't come fix the problem! (Louisiana)?

by  |  earlier

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Since it was installed, many channels say SEARCHING FOR SAT. They come out, the next day, BACK AGAIN--NO CHANNELS. We even purchased the EXCLUSIVE SERVICE CONTRACT they offer and they STILL WON'T COME OUT to fix it. We're steamed and might just sue them this time around. Any advice???? We've called EVERY NUMBER and we're going crazy!




  1. My experience is that it is the channel tuner in the receiver.  Ask for a new satellite receiver.

  2. No one can tell you how to get a local office of a satellite provider to do what it's paid for. If they won't fix it, document all your requests for repair in writing and then vote with your feet - LEAVE. Get cable or "the other" satellite provider. Don't put up with bad service.

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