
DIS d**n DREAM DONT MAKE SENSE!!! plz help??/?

by  |  earlier

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ok, the first part involves birds pooping on me everywhere i go. the second part is very sad, but it leads to the third part somehow: we were sitting in a computer lab type room and the door kept knocking, i started to get annoyed and finally refuse to answer the door, thinking it was a prank, when finally it was my nephew, crying because i wouldnt let him in..then the third part of the dream, the REAL reason my nephew was crying..we heard a loud noise from outside, like a rumbling, and then it switched to the city i used to live in before i moved back to my hometown, it was like a monster attacking the town, and i was trying to flee to safety, oddly, the monster started on the southside (near the first house i lived there) and then to the northside (the house i lived in before we moved) and my mom & dogs were still at my northside house, they were safe, somehow(???) but the monster kept following MY path, then the whole thing would start over and over like a video game..WTfreakers???




  1. One interpretation:

    Birds attack scene is your dream conscious cleverly giving thoughts of coming deep doo-doo.

    Computer lab is trying to help you make sense, and you're not learning (answering the knock of opportunity).

    Then the monster is moving against you because you're not moving with your family.  If you were to visualize yourself in the dream situation, and real-time asking the monster why it's following you, and then give the answer of the monster, you might have some lucidity:

    "The Master of Lucid Dreams," Dr. Olga Kharitidi,

    "Dreams," Marilyn Barrick, Ph.D.

  2. It means you where a sleep.

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