
DISCUSS: Should athletes be forced to do mid-game and immediate post-game interviews?

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I'm an avid tennis and basketball watcher, and in my viewing experience with those two sports (basketball especially), the athletes are stopped at half time and immediately after their game/match to answer what I consider to be the most generic and boring questions from the sports TV journalists.

As a former athlete myself, I know that focus on your performance, game and overall mentality is prime to perform your best. And I find it a big distraction for athletes to be disrupted from that "zone" to answer questions of any sort.

And with tennis' immediate post-interviews, the athletes usually have just finished an average two-hour match of extreme mental and physical difficulty. Why should they have to gather their thoughts, emotions and composure so quickly after a match? Let's not forget, they're human.

Overall, my question up for discussion is whether or not athletes should be forced to do immediate post and mid-game interviews?




  1. maybe if they could find some  "talking heads" who would actually ask a half way intelligent question, instead of the dumbest possible question.

    The money is from the t.v., but I don't think dragging the winner, or loser off for an immediate question and answer session is necessary.

  2. I've played soccer and basketball since i was 5. I have been playing traveling soccer for 5 years. as an athlete i believe that other athletes should not have to have cameras and microphones shuved in their faces in the middle of their games. it 1. brakes their concentration 2. distracts them and 3. is rude sometimes, depending on the journalist. in the middle of a game such as a half time, athletes are in the middle of their match. their head is still in it as well as their heart. the last thing you need is a distraction.

    as far as after the game, i think it is okay if done respectfully. after your game you have done your thing, you've put everything out their and you don't have to think about it again because it's not like you can go back and change things.

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