
DIY termite protection? Does anyone recommend this? I dont feel like spending $1000 if I dont need to.?

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DIY termite protection? Does anyone recommend this? I dont feel like spending $1000 if I dont need to.?




  1. Termites are nasty little critters I would spend the money and have a pro do the job but make sure you get references and he puts a guarantee on his work. If you do it your self and it does not work your looking at more then 1000 bucks to repair the damage. Remember termites work from the in side out when there is noticeable damage it will be to late.

    Best of luck.

  2. I always did it myself, but we still had clorodine, now banned.

    I was in Southern California and only needed to have it done when it was required to be by sale.

  3. If you see any termites or see damage do not wait to treat or have them treated. ASAP!!  We ended up with a lot of damage to our home.  A lot more costly than $1000.00.  Don't half-*** do it either.  I just wish that we had got on the job right away.  Make sure you remove any damage because we still found active termites where we thought they were gone.

  4. I would strongly recommend having a professional outfit treat the problem.  Termites will cause tremendous damage if left untreated or treated improperly.

    Also....When you go to sell your home you will want to provide prospective buyers information that you had the property treated professionally and you can provide them the transferable warranty.  Think about it...If you were going to buy a house, would you feel better knowing that a professional handled the problem or that an accountant tackled it over a long weekend?

  5. Are you sure you have termites? The 2 large termite control companies in the U.S. tell everyone they have termiites even if they don't. This was my personal experience, and it was confirmed by a former employee of one of these companies. Go with an independent contractor with good references - in other words - someone trustworthy. If you're not aware of anyone who fits this bill, check with small business owners in your community. They more often use the smaller contractors and may be able to recommend someone trustworthy. Doing this saved me over a thousand dollars. Turns out - I had dry rot from termite damage that was done 20 years ago - no recent or active infestation - unlike what one of the big 2 companies told me. Moral of the story - get more than one estimate and from someone other than the big 2. Good luck

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