
DId anyone else hear about a chinese woman giving birth to ...?

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Sextuplets and having to put 5 of them to death. If this is true can you post the website you found it on. I read that she choose what child she wanted to keep (of course a boy) and the rest were put to death.




  1. "Tasha" needs to stop believing everything she reads!  What a load of crock!  Do you really think the western world would allow unwanted babies to be thrown off a mountaintop?  This is one of those articles that try to incite outrage and controversy in people.  


    Its gross

    edit * just for the record I thought it sounded outrageous but i am gullable and I did not know that this was a false news sorce so i apologize

  3. that is awful... they threw the babies off a mountain top... how is that legal...

    ok i googled that and the only website with that on it is the one tasha posted so i no longer believe that... still i can't believe people are sick enough to make that stuff up...

  4. 1st of all, in China, if you have multiples, it is NOT required to pick one and put the others to death. In that country, you're allowed to keep all the children as long as they're multiples. As far as the girl above who posted the link to the article....The Onion is a phony news source and they make up stories that are outrageous to get people riled up. My father works for the AP and he cracks up at some of the stories on there. He knows firsthand that it's not a legitimate news agency. They take 1 topic and twist it around to make it seem like it's real, when in fact, it's just bogus.  

  5. I found it on The Onion website. If you have ever seen the movie The Onion then you will know that that story is completely made up or very exaggerated. Just look at the other things they report on and you can tell.

    While it is true that many many pregnancies are aborted b/c of gender preference over there and maybe infants where killed in the old days, I don't think they can do that now and do not believe that story at all. It is most likely totally made up or a exaggerated form of the truth. Don't take it seriously...another girl on here posted the link, look at it, then read the other stories on there and you will see. (I mean they put a story on there about Micheal Phelps returning home to his tank at Sea World! Funny!)

  6. No, I have not heard about it, and it would not be true. The 'one child policy' does not mean that women have to kill one child if she has twins!

    EDIT:  Ummm... no .. "The Onion" is not a real news source.

    It's all made up stuff.

  7. I don't think it's true, I read up on the law, and multiple births are treated as single births and the parents would be able to keep all the babies, but if it's a 2nd birth it's either aborted or the parents face fines, and get no assistance with school tuitions.  

  8. How horrible, I really hope this is not true!

  9. I don't think that is true.. If you google search it the only place it shows up is the onion ... no other news source AND the other articles on that page are just as messed up  

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