
DMV!!!! who's right me or my parents!?

by  |  earlier

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okay so I need a light and brake certificate! because the car was reportated saveger by the insurance because last summer some giorls vandalize the car writtin *****! So who's right me or them, you get that paper from the police or am i right you get it at a car shop, like where you get smog check???? The DMV needs it so me could get the plates!!!




  1. why don't you go ask the DMV people. If they don't tell you, then get it from both sources.

    DMV: the black man's way of getting back at the white man for slavery.

  2. When you go for an emissions and safety inspection, the mechanics certify whether or not the lights, brakes, and other legally mandated safety equipment are properly functioning on the car. I've never heard of the police performing vehicle inspections, except (in some places) for properly installed child seats.

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