
DNA relation?

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How come if everyone are decendents of the same two persons how does dna work. Also if everyone evolved from two people some where in the beginning of time whats the big deal if Obama is related to Bush or Chaney? we are all related somewhere down the line.




  1. Let's see.. Adam and Eve are supposedly the same two persons, and I have only heard that they had 2 SONS.. one of which got killed by the other.  So.. who was the stray woman that the remaining son found somewhere, and married, and had babies with??

    Analyze your evidence before making conclusions.

  2. As far as we all descending from the same 2 people, I am not sure about that.  But what I do know is that we are all related.  This is because the world population was initially very small and over the millenniums the population has grown.  The current estimate is 6.78 billion.  From a family tree aspect, consider this:  each generation you go back, the number of your ancestors double.  You have 2 parents, 4 grandparents, 8 great-grandparents, 16 g-g-grandparents, 32 g-g-g-grandparents, and so on.  Now if you go back to your 44th great-grandparents, which would have lived about 800 AD, then it is quite staggering.  You have over 70 trillion 44th great-grandparents!  That is more than the world population is today!  Never-mind what the population was in 800 AD.  So, obviously you descend from many of the same people multiple times.  (I know that I descend from King Edward III at least 5 times that I have traced as I descend from 5 of his kids.)  So considering the mathematical odds of all of us having a number of great-grandparents that far exceeded the population of the world, this is also why we are ALL related.

  3. thats just it - its only if you believe the religous mumbo jumbo that you would think we are all decended from two people - as it is if you work it out backward s for the population - average number of children and take it backwards you only get maybe a couple thousand years before everyone is related (and you get a bit of overlapping) i.e. more relatives than people actually alive , so yes - we are all related - just not in the way the bible describes. as for DNA yours isnt identical to your parents - its a bit of both and a little random thrown in - over long enough this random and slight difference accumulates so we are more divergent , although studies are showing the human gene pool is very shallow compared to some other species so we must have been very low in number at some point.
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