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i no that i have to clean it..but is it really going to smell like everyday??and bother me..or if i wait a week to clean it, it wont smell




  1. If you get a big enough cage and clean it enough, there shouldn't be a smell.  

  2. No. Get bedding that has no odor, and no dust.  You have to clean the cage once a week. And no, you don't "clean" the guinea pig. But you should be brushing him daily.

  3. They need to be cleaned once a week and they do smell the whole time.  Except for right after you clean it.

  4. Well, any animal can smell. Especially if you do not properly care for it. But Guinea pigs i find are not as smelly as rabbits (from experience. Some people may beg to differ). After a week there is a smell to a certain extent but the smell is livable.

    Also, I own two male guinea pigs at the moment and neither are neutered. They are brothers and have been with each other since the second they were born, so they do not fight. But since they are not neutered there "male urine" (to put it politely) does smell rather repulsive.

    So, to end my answer it depends on the owner and how well they take care of the pet. Also a sow (female) or a neutered boar (male) kept in it's own cage that's the right size should not stink up your home :D

  5. They actually smell pretty good.

  6. The only smell will be from when the cage needs cleaning (or possibly if they are ill), however this will need to be cleaned out frequently. The guinea pig will occasionally need a bath with shampoo but mostly will keep themselves clean

  7. My guinea pigs don't smell at all, i keep them clean, and have an air purifier and air conditioner  to help out.

    I can rarely smell them.  

  8. If you clean there cage and keep your door open it wont smell at all!

    If you need or want to close your door just get a freshener like frebreze  to make it smell better.

    It will smell a little bit if you keep your door closed because of their pee, but they really don't smell.

  9. k so i have guinea pigs and i LOVE them !!! it is really fun to have them around!!! so i dont think they smell all i do is put in bedding like 1 a week and i spray air freshinar around the house just cuz and then i spray some in the direction of the cage, but it is ok for them cuz none of it gets on them or in there food ect. but also if u REALLY dont want any smell whatsoever you can buy a treat from foster smith or i forgot the name but its like will and smith foster or something but they sell deoderizers which is a treat that u give to ur pig and it makes the feeces smellless so there is no oder at all they are like 5 dollars so pretty good value but ya

    hope i helped!!

  10. Well, it won't bother you a lot, but it will still smell a little bit. Don't give your guinea pig a bath more than every 3 months or else they can get dry skin. Clean the cage every week, and it won't smell.

  11. no, they don't smell!

    all you have to do is clean their cage like once a week.

  12. You may find areas of the cage are particularly urine soaked and therefore find it best to change this bit every day/every other day. Otherwise, clean the cage every 5 days or so.

  13. No.  I have 2 and they don't smell unless I don't clean the cage for a while.   You should give them baths every once and a while, but not too often, because they clean themselves, and if you have more than one, they'll clean each other especially if one is older, the older one will clean the younger one.  
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