
DO I have the symptoms of someone who has diabetes???

by  |  earlier

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Do you think i have Diabetes these are my sympthoms:



weight gain

frequent urinating

stressed out


trouble focusing

do I??




  1. exept for weight gain, yes. if u had diabetes u would be losing weight rapidly. im diabetic and ive been studying diabetes for almost 3 years

  2. With the Increased Urination and thirst, if you are a diabetic you may have ketoacidocis.

    I would go to your family doctor and talk to them about your symptoms. I am diabetic and I have ketoacidosis.

    I lost weight instead of gained but other than that to be on a safe side you should ask your doctor about a random glucose test...  

  3. a gd question is wen ur felling low on energy does a fizzy drink or a chocolate bar pick u Back up ? if it does i would definitely c ur doctor

  4. I have Diabetes and your symptoms sound familiar.  You should have a fasting blood sugar (glucose) test done. If you know someone with a meter, they can do it for you.  First thing in the morning, have your blood tested.  If your test number is over 130, you could be pre-diabetic and should see your doctor.  Remember not to eat anything for 12 hours before your test.

  5. Extreme thirst and frequent urination are 2 common indicators for diabetes, better get to the doctors.

  6. Your first 4 symptoms certainly are symptoms of diabetes, and possibly headaches as well. Additional symptoms are blurred vision, fatigue, tingling or numbness in hands and feet, infections slow to heal.

    Your doctor can do a simple blood test to determine if you're diabetic or not.  If left untreated diabetes can be dangerous. Please don't put it off.

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