
DO REALestate workers work for seeler or buyer?

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DO REALestate workers work for seeler or buyer?




  1. they work for the seller, that is who rights the check

  2. It is true that Real estate Agent commissions are customarily paid by the Seller however the Agent agreement you sign with them has very clear obligations to you.  If your Agent does represent you in good faith, you have grounds to file an official complaint with the State and a lawsuit.  An Agent will not risk their license for a few extra bucks.

  3. They can work for either, depending on what side of the table they are. If they are the sellers agent, they work for the seller. If you sign a buyers agency contract, they work for the buyer. However, when dealing with someone without a buyers agency contract, they are a sub agent of the seller and work for the seller still. So, if you want to have them work for you, sign a buyers agency contract. There can also be a duel agency if that agent or another agent in the office is working for the seller, but they can still work for you if you sign the contract.

    In fact, I know of a couple agents that do not take listings, they only work with buyers.

    Do not believe you cannot get help from a real estate agent. By signing a buyers agency agreement they can run comparables on homes you are interested in, help with your home search, help with negotiations and more.

  4. They can work for both. Selling property for sellers and helping buyers find the right home.

  5. seller

  6. Seller. That is how they get their commission.

  7. This is a great question - most people just accept what they are told by the real estate agent.

    Traditionally, the Realtors involved are compensated with a percentage of the final price. It is only human nature that they are inclined to end with the highest price possible.

    Meanwhile, some Realtors, representing buyers, are compensated in different ways so that it is to their advantage to keep the price as low as possible.

    As a buyer or seller, you are entitled to set your own terms of how the Realtors are compensated. If someone objects, they don't have to participate in the deal.

    I buy and sell property regularly - when I am the buyer, my Realtor gets a percentage of the amount saved from the original asking price. If a fuddy-duddy Realtor objects, I just find another one.

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