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  1. You gotta be willing to do the homework and dig into books on secret societies, like jordan maxwell's " matrix of power " to understand how these groups operate and how they have been installed around the world hundreds of years go, and who they are today.

    Remember hollywood is giving us a cream puff version of the movie National Treasure on how it portrays Freemasonry in our country,

    there was something bigger going on in 1776..... the start of the Bavarian Illuminati.... this is where revolutionary ideas like Communism and Democracy got its birth, and remember, George Washington himself was a Freemason and Illuminati, this Society give's tribute to an occult diety called Promethius who stole the light from christian alters to light its masonic lodges, and guess what, the Rockerfeller family pays tribute to Promethius by having a statue of the God at the entrance of thier new york building. hmmmm.

    and the Two leading Worldbank leaders , the Rothchilds out of england and The Rockerfellers Newyork Chase bank are both servants to Promethius and the Illuminati movement, only today they have offshoots of other societies to disguise the Illuminati name, they are known as Bilderberg, Bohemian Grove, trilateral commission, councel on foriegn relations, Skull and bones, Nato, the list goes on........

    the evidence is written right under our noses on our currency. in translation :

    New World Order, Order out of Chaos, our enterprise is crowned a success.

    the currency with the picture of the axe being held together by a group of sticks with a string, is called a fasci, which is the symbol for fascism.

    this symbol can usually be found in any federal courtroom, which by the way a judge sits three steps higher in the courtroom ? this represents the the 3 degrees of freemasonry. there's too much to cover, but folks need to wake up in this country, there is a history behind the history and everyone is lost.

    So to answer your question......... absolutely !

  2. um...

    9/11 was not staged... r u a lil crazy in the head?

  3. OMG.  Try to stick with reality.  You are moving up on the list of the little men in white coats.  

  4. nonono... you're thinking of the "War on Drugs"

  5. great, just what we need, more conspiracy theorists, how about checking this out, it will really blow your mind, look into this book called the Bible, it speaks of a man named Jesus Christ, He's the son of God almighty the creator of heaven and earth, and dude you probably wont believe this, but He's real, i know He is, im a Jesus freak all the way, follower of Christ and not ashamed, and im A4J ALL THE WAY!!! I Love Jesus!!!!!!!!!

  6. your way behind on world news.

  7. No, why would they want to enact patriot act before they 'staged' attack then? Just to come under attack by media and lose public support, come under constant criticism, lose approval ratings? Patriot Act came about because gov freaked out after 911. US gov does things for reason it doesn't just take massive effort just to be evil for no apparent reason.  

  8. No, simply because people can't keep secrets.  

  9. Heck no....Americas done some crazy things but they are not that crazy. I guess all the soldiers dying in iraq is staged too??

    I never really thought about it til reading more comment on how it was below. But if thats the case why would we aloud to go this far in terms of war?

  10. No, but it was the perfect excuse once it did happen.  We also needed an excuse to have a heavy presence in the middle east, now we have free reign in two countries and have proven we can invade any other at a whim.

  11. I am positive that it was staged, the buildings were destroyed, some in controlled demolition. I saw some videos about the planes crashing with only the third of the speed, and guess what ? the plane crashed then after some time an explosion followed. Flight 93 crashed in an open field in Pennsylvania as a result of an attempted cockpit invasion. However, there have been claims that it was actually shot down by US fighter jets. This idea is promoted by author David Ray Griffin in his book The New Pearl Harbor. Two debris fields from Flight 93 were found at three (Indian Lake) and eight (New Baltimore) miles from the crash site, and there are also some eyewitness reports of debris falling from the sky like confetti.  

    President Bush was promoting the passage of his education plan at Emma E. Booker Elementary School in Sarasota, Florida on the morning of September 11. He was already aware of the first plane impact before he entered the school, believing it to have been a "horrible accident". He was sitting in a classroom reading The Pet Goat with the children when, at 9:05am, White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card whispered in his ear that "A second plane hit the second tower. America is under attack."That the president chose to stay in the classroom for an additional 7 minutes, without asking for additional information from his staff, and that those staff did not volunteer any additional information or take him to a place of safety, has led to allegations that he knew that the attack was taking place and knew he was not a target. A response is that Bush's intention was to "project strength and calm," i.e., that he did not want to cause more panic by fleeing the room, as the footage would likely have been replayed over and over on news coverage.

    I believe this was staged to justify the invasion of the middle east and to control the world's oil.

    In his lecture, "9/11: The Myth and the Reality," Griffin states that:

    "Achieving this goal (American global hegemony) would require four things. 1. One of these was getting control of the world's oil, especially in Central Asia and the Middle East, and the Bush-Cheney administration came to power with plans already made to attack Afghanistan and Iraq. 2. A second requirement was a technological transformation of the military, in which fighting from space would become central. 3. A third requirement was an enormous increase in military spending, to pay for these new wars and for weaponizing space. 4. A fourth need was to modify the doctrine of preemptive attack, so that America would be able to attack other countries even if they posed no imminent threat. These four elements would, moreover, require a fifth: an event that would make the American people ready to accept these imperialistic policies."

  12. No, it would have taken a huge super-secret conspiracy and this admin has been shown over and over to be made up of incompetent, greedy ideologues. However, the lack of response by the air force at the time is certainly very suspicious, so it seems reasonable to think they took advantage of the situation to allow what the PNAC called "a new Pearl Harbor", and Bush called "the trifecta".

  13. Yes, I do.

    1) Anti-terrorist legislation given to president before WTC.

    2)eyewitnesses heard secondary devices.

    3) How is it that all those people on the ground "just happened" to have cameras pointed at the WTC just before the planes hit?

    4) Demolition experts say this is exactly what happens in a planned demolition.

    5) CIA abandoned building 7 just before it came down (8 hours later!) when nothing hit it. Fell down as a "normal" demolition.

    6) The ones who were accused of flying the planes were alive and well, and could not have been on the plane.

    7) strange thing about all the crashes - absolutely no aircraft parts, no bodies (not even in Pennsylvania!) yet, they could "identify" the bodies!

    8) On Pennsylvania flight - claimed there was a phone call from the plane.

         a) not a cell phone - no account for the cell phone.

         b) not the plane phone - you need to swipe a credit card; no account for a card

         c) not a collect call - you can't make a collect call from an on-board phone.

    9) Plane seems to have "disappeared" into a hole in the ground! Witnesses say no crash sound.

    10) No airplane parts from crash, as would normally be seen for other crashes like Lockerbie, etc.

    This is all a part of the plans for a New World Order that will be led by the Pope. The President of the U.S. (as well as most before him) is a Freemason. Freemasonry is the "Protestant" arm of the Roman Catholic Church, and it is ruled by the Jesuits, who are ruled by the Pope.

    These events were created to cause Americans to be alarmed about terrorism (but Osama Bin Ladin himself is/was also a Freemason! "Strange" that he hasn't been "caught" yet? Gee, I wonder why?)  When people get scared enough about terrorism, they will gladly give up their national sovereignty (and thus the U.S. Constitution, which the Vatican hates), then he will be given free control of our country.

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