

by  |  earlier

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Here's a excerpt of my stry, called Starlight. Im dedicating it to Stephenie MEyer!

I looked into his eyes, and he looked into mine. Sigh. He was so gorgeously beautiful, and I would never compare to his magnificence.

"I love you so much," he told me. Sigh. That dreamy voice of his melted my heart. Sigh. His blue eyes were like flawless crystals. I knew our time together was short. Sigh.

"I love you more," I retorted.

"No I love you more," he claimed.

"I love you more than the whole world. No one is as perfect as you," I said, my cheeks turning red as tomatoes. We kissed, long and passionate, like apes. I ran my hand over his body. Sigh. He deserved better than me, who would never be half his equal. I wasn't pretty or smart or humorous or interesting in the least.

"Do you have to go away?"

"Yes." I sighed. "But I love you." It was true. I would kill myself for him, and he would do the same for me. The thought of suicide was so...romantic. Sigh.

"I won't let you go," he said roughly, and he held me tighter. His brown hair swayed in the wind, and he smiled. Haha, he was so funny that way. Never letting me go anywhere...

"No, I've got to leave."

"If you go, I'll track you down and bring you back." How could he be any more perfect? Sigh.

"But I have to see my father. I love him."

"If you love me, you'll stay."

"Fine. But promise me we can go to the funeral." I wanted to see my dad, but I would never leave the love of my life.

"We'll see."

"But--" The look in his eyes silenced me.

"Okay." Sigh. He was so beautiful. "Hey, do you want to do it with me?"

"Now you're thinking."

What do you think? Wouldn't Stephenie be proud?




  1. lmao!


    ok i love twilight books.

    but this is just brilliant!!

  2. Ha ha ha ha ha. My goodness, this is a great parody, and exactly how Smeyer writes. Kudos!

    If however, you were being serious . . . uh oh is all I have to say.

  3. I can't believe people actually think you're serious! You're funny.

    Oh wait... sorry:

    OMG! lyk Stephenie Meyer wud b so pruod!!! Your an amazing wryter.

    ... Typing like that burns! Ahh!

  4. Haha, I loved it... nice job :)  

  5. Are you taking the p**s?

    PEOPLE CANT YOU SEE! she is taking the complete p**s!

    You are insulting twlight! its quite funny though! good on you!

  6. Please tell me you're kidding. Ouch.

    If you are making fun of Meyers (yuck), then, congratulations! That was great!

    I can't believe someone could really write that. It doesn't even seem possible.

    Okay, if you are searching for an illiterate answer, then here goes...

    WOOW, I lek caint' bileve it! Yor' lek soooooo grate! I lek *hert* it! Toetully!

    Ouch. That was quite painful to write.

  7. I can't believe people think you're serious. HA. Funny.

    But yes, I DO think Meyer would be proud. Great job. I applaud you.

    No, wait- LyK OMEeee Ur SUCH a GUD WRYTER, i think u n stephany wud get along SOOOO well n u n her cud collaburate or whutever and make sum GUD BOOKS OMEEEEE

    Edit: You have no idea how much it killed me to type like that... XD

  8. needs more...substance. There's no plot at all. The characters have no offense. And "suicide was romantic"? Not exactly.

    I think S. Meyers would want more depth.

    Anyone, answer mine?

  9. SMeyer would KILL to write like that!

    its halarious, and sooo like twilight, very funny!

  10. If you want really good advice, I suggest you post it on a writing site like  ^^  It's a little too much like Twilight in my opinion, but I don't have enough info on the story to be able to tell from this one passage.  Also, the last part is a little sudden.  Heh.

    Not bad though, I'm a fan of love stories and the Twilight series :D


  11. That was hilarious, but there was one problem with it. You forgot to use the word "chagrin" like a bizillion times.

    A few more "chagrins" and Stephenie will LOVE it!! Great job!! :D

  12. I vomited.

  13. It's really good. The only thing I would say is you use the word "SIGH" a lot. It was  really good though ^w^
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