
DO YOU FOUND OF Ikes(jews)????

by Guest59561  |  earlier

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DO YOU FOUND OF Ikes(jews)????




  1. Were you strangled by the umbilical cord before you were born?

  2. You get good people and bad people.  No matter what the race, if people treat you bad, you won't like them.  I cannot see how you can not be fond of somebody who is good to you just because of race.

  3. I have no issues with any person of any race, except those that try to stir up hatred towards others.

  4. At least learn to spell so that you can communicate your lack of regard for others without inflicting pain on the individual trying to read the question.

  5. that sentence makes NO SENSE....what is an Ike? where would I find one...

  6. Has anyone reported this guy yet?

  7. I, personally, have found Jews in a lot of different places.  The mall, temple, Chevy's...

  8. Ike Turner was Jewish?  I had no idea.What other Ikes are Jewish? Is this a traditional Jewish name?....loser.

  9. i think he is trying to ask ;

    " are you fond of Kikes?(Jews)?"

    but because all bigots are ignorant mouth breathers he is unable to string together a coherent sentence; or hit the spell-check button for that mater.

    and yes i like jews, christians, buddhists, muslims, wiccans etc

  10. First of all, I cant even understand what your saying. Second of all...I am jewish and we can be found everywhere...we are actually normal human beings, we work and have lives and it is such a pitty when we come across people like you who can't even spell out their insults towards us, what a shame for you

  11. Your name should be hassock.  You have the communications skills of one of them.

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