
DO asian people eat cheese?

by Guest65538  |  earlier

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I know that asian people eat rice and seafood, but when I think about it do they eat dairy products?




  1. tofu is chinese cheese. that as close as they get. the process is similiar. curious that they never took the next step and actually made it considering that they took the next step with so many other things(e.g. gun powder, pasta, etc.). i know about the lactose intolerance, but that afflicts other people  and they have cheese. palate is another consideration,but cheese flavors and intensity run the gamut. so some could have sat well with them. (lots of chinese find pizza too strong a flavor). something i've wondered about.....

  2. I think all people have one or another kind of cheese.....

    bread and cheese is like the Original Food. The grandaddy of all food, lol.

  3. American Asians might and you can tell if they do. I'm American Asian. But I on purposely try to avoid it as much as possible. It's mostly fat & cholesteral!

    Yeah sure a good slice of pizza is good once in a while. But personally I think dairy is for babies. Asians get most of their calcium from green vegetables. It has more calcium than milk. Asian cuisine has so many different flavors that we don't need to add cheese to it.

    Sticking to this rule, the true Asians stay thin and shecksy.

  4. Nearly all Asians and about half of Hispanics are lactose intolerant... about 70% of African Americans are lactose intolerant...

  5. Cheese is not traditional in China. They do drink milk though

  6. Yes, Asians do eat dairy products like ice cream and cheese. However, it really depends on their preferences. For example, I am from an Asian family and I normally don't like cheese but my sister loves it. It's almost like asking if Americans like to eat pasta. Some people would like it while others have no real love for it.

  7. I have a friend that is asian & she eats cheese.

  8. Typically, dairy isn't a big part of an Asian diet.  However, is northern parts of asia you do have some form of diary, but not cow's milk.

  9. Yes many do..

    Yes many have problems..also..

    SO what is the point...?????

    How many Americans can not have wheat or eat eggs???

    again what is the point...

  10. yes

  11. ...

  12. Hmm I work with some asian folks and now that you mention it I have not seen them eat cheese with their lunch. I do notice they eat ramen noodles, rice, fish and chicken a lot. Diffrent cultures have diffrent tastes (Me I am not a big fan of  rice)

    But not every asian person is the same, some might love cheese

  13. It isn't part of their diet normally, but some do. My husband is Chinese and he eats ice cream (occasionally) and he likes food with cheese such as cheeseburgers, eggs, tuna melt, etc. He really likes cheese. One time I asked him to inventory the foods in his apartment (this was before we were married) because I wanted to make breakfast burritos that weekend. He looked for the cheese then started eating it and said "mmm, cheese is good" and I told him he better not eat it all!

  14. im asian and i eat cheese, have yogurt, drink milk but i was born in america so im not sure if that effects what i eat  

    cream cheese and bagel for breakfast

    cheeseburger for lunch

    mac and cheese for dinner :)

  15. Compressed curdled mammal's milk (cheese) is uncommon but not unheard of in Asia.  Far more common is compressed curdled soy milk (tofu), made following the same basic principles.

    Japanese people often mention (to each other, LOL!) how much Westerners "smell" like dairy products!

  16. Indians use alot of "paneer" cheese in both savory dishes and desserts.  Paneer is a home made Indian cheese and we cant get enough of the stuff!

    We also love almost every other type of cheese available.

    Indians consume lots of dairy products:  butter, yogurt, buttermilk, ice cream, cream.....

  17. Can't speak for all Asians, but from what I've experienced, it's rare. Growing up, all I knew of cheese was those processed cheese squares. *yuck* When I was older, I was surprised to learn about all the different cheeses out there.

    Aside from milk, my parents don't have much dairy in their house. I only noticed them buying yogurt in the last several years. But they usually have things such as soy milk and coconut milk in their fridge or pantry.

    I do have cheese and other dairy stuff in my house, especially yogurt (for snacks and for cooking). But I think I could probably live without cheese.

  18. milk is popular with asians but not really cheese

  19. Yes, we do eat cheeze but not regularly esp. at breakfast. I'm from the Phils.

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