
DO master ball cloning glitches work on pokemon emerald GBA?

by  |  earlier

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These are the cheats i found

1 Give a master ball to a pokemon and breed it so the baby has one too

2 Use Zigzagoons ability.´...pick up so i give 1 master ball to a zigzagoon and then place it at the head of a team onf other zigzagoons....then i am supposed to walk around, soon all of my zigzagoons should be carrying master balls

3 winning the lottery in the department store

4 cloning a pokemon holding a master ball




  1. i know number three works but not sure about the rest

  2. 1. Shouldn't work, babies don't have items when they are born. Unless there's something I missed all those times I've bred.

    2. lol, that's all I'm gonna say.

    3. I've never done this one but people say it works, so this might work but it is unlikely to win.

    4. If you figure out how to clone a Pokemon the item will be cloned also. This definitely works.

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