
DO most people residing in other countries miss their country?

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no delhite i have no idea what are you saying




  1. I moved to England more than 10 years ago and I still miss Canada every day. Thanks for asking. It doesn't matter how long you've been away, it's true that there's no place like home. For me it's the mountains and the fresh air I miss the most...and of course, my family.

  2. You cannot reverse these:

    1) The mother that gave you birth, and

    2) The motherland you were born in.

    If you go abroad and do not miss them, then your life is a waste!

    Been away for 14 years and till today cannot find anywhere like the place where I have left my childhood.

    Do well in your adopted motherland but your country's desire will one day draw you back.

    Finally, if you watch Pankaj Udhas's famous song,"Chithi aiye hai" on youtube and then see the comments there, you'll know what all the travellers feel.

  3. i live in India

    i have always been cursing India and its problems all in my growing years

    but realised my mistake when i first stepped in a foreign land

    and within 24 hrs i got the feeling of being uprooted

    all the dreams shattered

    this place doesn't belong to me

    we are just a "Pardesi" here

    and this is a "Pardes"

    no body is bothered about me here

    even the air we breath in doesn't look familiar

    in fact now i miss even those places also where i spent my childhood

    want to meet my child hood friends

    want to see how much it is changed now

    as it is a small city in India

    sometimes i get the feeling of left alone,

    whatever we are, however is my country

    it is made by our own ancestors

    it belongs to us

    and we belong to it

  4. Of course especially when u think back to the days u were back there on holidays

  5. yes 100% they miss their country sooooooooooooooooooooo badly and belive me i know that coz i m one of them.

  6. definately.......they try to keep their cuture in their heart...and surrond themselves with everything that reminds them of their home

  7. You can die here one day and no one will know.

    But back in India, even the Dhobi will ask you "Kya Hal Hai?"

    That's the difference.

    You time spent here has ZERO VALUE

  8. if they are female they definately miss their country and if males they are not missing but mistering their country. u got my point miss and mistering male and female.

  9. hi

    how abut u i am all so

  10. You talk about country. But I miss my home-town for the sake of job. What a pity.

  11. Yes

  12. Banjaran people who leave their small cities and go to bigger cities miss their city so much . You are talking about country

  13. You feel that you are in anther world different in many things

  14. Yes,

    I miss it , Indeed most of immigrant miss their country,

    Everybody misses their place/people/festivals/functions.Irrespe... of their countries developement/problems,etc.

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