
DO you Believe All Obese People Eat Junk Food?

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I'll prove you a 100% wrong. I am obese and I eat heavy meals at night like a whole chicken and potatoes with French bread and wine. Or I'll make a Italian meals like Lasagna and eat more than 5 servings worth. I make and eat my food homemade, never take out, and never chocolates, pies, or junk food.

How about the rest your thoughts? Are you shocked too thinking only heavy people eat cookies, donuts, and fatty things only to get the way they are?

Note: I also eat good like vegetables, and fruits.




  1. not really but the obesity has to come from somewhere... the excess food is stored as fat...

  2. No, I don't think they eat junk food all the time. At all. I am VERY aware that sometimes you can eat as healthfully as any other person--or more healthfully--but still not lose weight.

  3. Obese people eat a great deal of all kinds of food for all kinds of reasons.  They may do emotional eating.  Eating to fill a void in their life.  They may not have many interests, such as hobbies or perhaps they do not have many or no friends and food is a non judgmental friend.  

    The thing is that you cannot consume food 24 hours a day without dire consequences or eat at night without risk of a heart attack or stroke as you are not working off the calories and putting the rest of your body at risk.  

    It appears that your main interest in life is food and I would suggest that you find other interests even if it is being a Chef but control your intake.

    Good luck!

  4. The food you eat may not be 'junk' food but you are eating far too much.  Sit down and work out how many calories you are eating per day, I bet it is a lot more than you need.

  5. You can gain weight by eating too much and not exercising. So it doesn't matter if you eat junk food or not. Some people also have a tendency to gain weight faster than others. That is an inherited trait.

    But you have to exercise even if it is taking a short walk every evening.

  6. Just because a person is overweight doesn't mean they always eat junk food all the time. I know what the officals in medicine says, but, I think it all comes down to overeating and living a sedate lifestyle. Sometimes it mean something entirely different like a slower metabilism or another health problem such as bad knees or an injury.

  7. of course not. however, it's how the media portray obese people. that's why most people generalize the impact. ^_^

  8. What constitutes junk is a matter of opinion. Lasagna is loaded with calories. Home made meals can be just as fatty or caloric as fast food. What matters is your metabolism, your gender, your caloric intake and your activity level. Hormones also play a role, as do genes. Nutrition is a complex science that undergoes a revolution every 5 years.

  9. no, they eat more calories then they burn.

  10. no, most obese people eat well... they just eat too much of those good things. calories are calories...

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