
DO you act innocent, even though you aren't?

by  |  earlier

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  1. yes..i try to look good at almost all people, but then i hide an evil side of me..pwahaha!

  2. No sure don't. I am innocent all the way.

  3. nope!

  4. No I am not by a long shot. But I really enjoy exploiting those "would be" innocent types and showing everyone their true colors.

  5. I would say anyone who says they dont is telling porkies.

  6. yes. i act like a virgin...

    but i f*** like a pornstar

  7. I don't act innocent but I am of course.

    Due to the potential litigatiousness of my answer of which I am not guilty I cannot give details.

  8. haha.. yes I do. The friends that I hang out with are all conservative folks and they appear shocked whenever something less-than-innocent happens. Sometimes I don't find it "shocking" but I just play along with them, and pretend to be shocked as well.

  9. do you act innocent even though you are not innocent? Well how can you "be" innocent if you have acted badly or do some thing wrong? you cannot! You can tell yourself that you are different from others if thats what you mean. Or you can keep thinkgs private from others, which does not make you not inncocent...just normal to keep things private. Acting innocent is about whom is judging you do they know you have done something wrong in which case they know you are acting inncocent. Only you know if your acting innocent...unless you tell other people and see what they think.

  10. I come across as innocent, but I am not as innocent as people think. I am also not "shy" once people get to know me.

  11. Yeah I did this a couple times.  It was when I did volunteer work, and a couple of "us" didn't like someone else, and I did joke around about that person.  Then after that; I acted like I didn't joke about that person at all.

  12. i always try to live my life honestly, and if i was to behave in the way you have said i would feel very lowly, so the answer is no.

  13. are you watching me?

  14. no. I act like a good person but I never ever say I'm innocent so I just try to be good not innocent because that's impossible

  15. No - I wish - I think there is something about being a survivor of abuse that traps you in childhood innocence forever - cant grow up. Like being absolutely wedded to being real and truthful -I don't see the harm in it. I'd like to act out more but feel it would be life threatening in some strange way.

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