
DO you beleive the goverment could have devloped nonfossil fuels 30 years ago?

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Iceland uses no fosil fuel for power or transportation




  1. first your right iceland uses no fossil fuel for heat and electricity

    but that is because they are on top of a huge hydrothermal system that gives them free steam

    second they do use fossil fuels for transportation

    third if the demand was there private companies would have developed non fossil fuel 50 years ago if there was easy money and demand

    but because fossil fuel is still cheap and plentiful it wont come soon

    fourth I dont think the government would be doing the development it most likely will be private enterprise

  2. we've pretty much always had the power to develop nonfossil fuels. just the "oil gods" so to say have us locked in thier grip. and we're to lazy to do the work to switch off of fossil fuels

  3. Why should the Govenment be even involved in fuels??  Just one more misdirected  program is due to happen..... If you really want anything messed up let the governament do it!  As a matter of fact -- if government was not involved we would have no "gas crisis"!!   In many areas in past government has "stood in way" for production of other fuel sources!  And then there is the drilling for "crude" we have in rich supply under our own continent!

    Unhampered  "free enterprise system" could overecome this rather rapidly without government restrictions and red tape! Did you know that people will actually invest and work to develop things that work if left alone-- they want to make money after all!

    But of course some of you young people have to stand up and do something about it, as you don't listen to us "old dogs"!  I have been around since 12 cent gas, and have seen more and more government till it is choking us to death!  I am now too old to "bleed for much money", -- so I am nothing!

    PS: Note that somebody drove from NYC to LA on 5 # of carbide (makes aceteleyne gas),- around a buck for 5# those days, (used in carbide lights on model "T" Fords).  The car was as stripped down 1926 Chevrolet!   Henry Ford built and designed his car to run on alcohol (so farmers could make their own fuel), - but Shell talked him down to using "distilate" as it was called in those days!-- I have a 22 model "T"  that gets 35mpg on regular gas!

    A guy named "Pogue" made a 100 mpg carbureter (in 20s), so it it is not impossible to get better mileage, or better fuels -- if allowed to develop and market!

    So you see it can be done!

  4. We could develop such a system in 6 months...

    Our government would rather fund a war only intended on postponing an advancement in technology instead...

    Makes sense to me!!! (sarcasm)

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