
DO you believe 2012 is the end?

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im only 17:(

my dad has many books that say this....even one about crystal skulls which say this hundreds of thousands of years ago!!!

i feel this is gona become VERY real 21st DEC 2012!!

whats your thoughts on it?...and if you do believe it..what are you going to do for your last few years on earth?




  1. It can't be. You're scaring me... STOP!

  2. NO, Dec 21 2012 is the end of the Myan Calendar. Im pretty sure they could have continued make their calendar, but decided not to due to sure boredom, or even just make people think the world will end. But i bet they are laughing making poeple believe it will end by saying "Dude check this out! Some people think that since I stopped making the calendar, the world will end. HAHAHAHA!"

    So whats going to happen the next day if the world dosent end? Ever think about that? "Oh, I quess they were wrong."

  3. no way I'm gonna believe this.....

    future is something that's unknown to us.but many make predictions that sometimes go wrong or right.

    IT's a fact that this world have an end ...... but i believe that's not goin to be this soon........

  4. No i dont ... Only Jesus knows when the end will be , No one but him .... :-)

  5. No. I dont believe it. unless jesus christ is coming on dec. 21 2012 then the world isnt gonna end. since the mayans werent christian and didnt beleive in jesus christ  then they couldnt have predicted it. if the world ends then God ends it.

    Also ill spend my last days on earth trying to b a good person like i always try to do. cause i dotn know when the real end will b

    P.S- read Revalation. if your a good person then u shouldnt b afraid or worried about the end of the world.

    P.S.S- while ur in revalation it also says that no one, not even the son, but only the father knows when time shall end

    Also since the mayans made there calander a long time ago mayb they decided that was far enough since then made their calnedar last for like really long time. no one knows anything

  6. Actually, no one knows when the world will end. It can be from today to infinity. There have been so many predictions throughout history from different people and cultures and so far we are is still here.

    The link below will give a non-exhaustive list of failed predictions between 30 CE and 1990 CE. This reduces a lot the chances of the 2012 one to come true.

    What we would do on our last days? Since no one knows his own date of death, and since whenever the end of the world is we can all die anytime before it, we are all already in our last days.

  7. it depends on what you mean by "the end" cause life itself will not end until the Earth *or maybe God* is destroyed

  8. It sounds sick, but i kind of hope so. I mean, i am obsessed with the end of the world kind of concept. Imagine a life with no future, you can do whatever you want, smoke cigarettes, drink all you want, crash your car, none of it will matter in 4 years time. No one's miserable life will matter in 4 years time. We are all equal under the ground. And equality is all we could ever ask for right?

  9. No I don't believe it is the end,

    and I can't really imagine it, I'm only fifteen myself,

    and I really don't think it can be the end.

  10. You can rest easy, friend.  There's absolutely NO credible evidence that anything catastrophic will happen in 2012.

    People who say otherwise usually have an agenda.  They're trying to sell something, like a book.  They operate on the principle that the general public isn't scientifically literate.  For example, if I say to you: "The Earth will pass through a cosmic ray storm in 2012, and you can believe me because I have a PhD!" you might not ever stop to wonder what field my PhD is in, or if I even got it from an accredited university.  You might not take the time to interview other, more qualified people to see if what I'm saying is actually true.

    That's not to say that people are stupid.  We aren't.  We just have a tendency to trust people with an air of authority.  Even if somebody is a total crackpot, they can usually get some people to believe them merely by SOUNDING like they know what they're talking about.

    So once again, rest easy.  The world will still be here in 2013.  I'd bet on it.

  11. All that is superstitions and made up  when people were sacrificing people to "Gods" --it is bunk- some thing may happen but it will be a change not the end

    The Bible says no man shall know  when these things shall happen - but that there will be signs to let people know it is close-

    i do think something will happen eventually  but it 12/ 21 /12 is the date probably not- i refuse to believe in superstition

    i  will put my faith in God

  12. This is impossible. It is known that these are numbers. therefore it must be impossible. To conclude these are numbers that can have no affect.

  13. It isn't the end.  In the Bible it says THAT ONLY GOD HIMSELF KNOWS WHEN THE WORLD WILL END.  That, by default, makes the prediction of any blundering moron false.  Nobody knows when it will happen except for God himself.  It could be today, could be tomorrow, could be next week, could be 86,000 years from now.  Only God knows.

  14. well thats sort of depressing =/ I'm only 16 I'll have turned 20 in Nov then the world will end in dec? but no i don't really believe it  if I did i guess it would be pointless to finish school and go to college =( I'm just going to continue to live my life if it does happen, it does, if it doesn't (good), then it doesn't

  15.'s stupid -_-

    No really it is. The world isn't going to end but the Malayan calendar is! It's just going to be another ordinary year.

    Have you ever thought that maybe the world really is going to "end" when the Sun would eventually end its life? You know it will someday, I mean it is halfway there- billion more years possibly. And the Earth can't survive without the Sun.

    And this book you're reading, what year is it published?

    Crystal skulls? Come on! Don't tell me you believe that! You know better than that! Tell you what, you're really wasting your time worrying over this.

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