
DO you have any paranormal stories that have to do with aliens and ufos etc... can you share?

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a friend introduced me to the evindence and now i am very curious about what other people think about the subject...




  1. My husband told me that when he was about 5 years old he was sitting down playing his organ at his grandma's house when the shade blew up and he saw 2 big black eyes starring back at him. He said he couldn't move or scream for what seemed to him at the time a couple minutes. That same night his dad was driving home from work and saw what he thought was a UFO. He said it lit up the sky like it was noon and it was about 10pm. He stopped the car got out and looked up to see it hover for awhile then speed away. On a different road about an hour later his mom and some friends saw the same thing. The next morning they all told each other what happened to them and read in the paper that there had been several more sightings of them that night. This happened in the mid 80s in the Joliet/Plainfield IL area. For years after that my husband has had weird dreams and one morning when he was about 17 woke up with a weird triangle on his foot. I know that really did happen because I saw it.

  2. No..except a dream I had. Google 2001 UFO Disclosure and look for the video. It's also in an answer on the question on here about the Reptilians. (If it's not on here now..go to Resolved questions. It should be in there..)  I do have a friend who saw one..and wrote it up on one of those sites. His mother and lots of people were with him when they saw it ..up north..I think New Jersey...a few years ago. There are lots of sites on the net about people's experiences..also Mufon has a lot to say about UFOs. You can even find out about sightings in your own state on google.

    OXO...You can send me my $5 !!!

  3. I saw one of the big black triangles once, but it was over an old closed government base.  I'll bet you $5 the guy flying it is wearing an Air Force uniform.

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