
DO you justify this :"Young man faces execution despite international protests"?

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I have found this heart braking story

i Iran Gov really doing right things

how can Gov Kill their own people




  1. the fact is that this murderer got caught and now pays the price for his crimes, you let your emotions get in the way of logic, let's not let him go to kill again,we don't pamper murderers,we murder them

  2. Only three countries in the world, Iran, the United States and the Congo, execute people for crimes committed as minors.  It is a violation of international human right standards and it is opposed by the American Bar Association and others.  China, Pakistan and Sudan recently stopped executing minors.

    However, it is the law in parts of these three countries and this young man was guilty of murdering someone, even if he claims it was self-defense.  To justify this, one can point out that society cannot allow people to murder each other and the choice of penalty is an expression of national sovereignty.

  3. Man I am not religious but I have to agree with the lady ahead of me. What gives us the right to take the life of another individual? I realize this kid killed someone which I completely believe is horrible, but what gives us as individuals the right to kill him? We are all equal and how can one human decide the fate of another? When you kill someone you are telling them they no longer have a right to existence how can a government tell anyone that? The death penalty is morally wrong. Lock this kid up, yeah, help educate him. Prison should not be just a penalty but should also be rehabilitation and what kind of rehabilitation is there in ending someones life? Capital punishment is hypocritical, it is illegal to kill people as citizens yet the government can, which is made up of people.

  4. Amnesty International then could do nothing.

    A person though might point to Internment Camps said to be put up inThe U.S.A. These may not be there but it has been said KBR is building them.

    There is also something U.S. Citizens can do on The Iraq War Front to enable more legal resources to help. First get Security Council Resolution to enable U.S. Citizen effort to stop that war from their own country. Use of War Of Agression Decision the part which refers to Wars Of Agression which n***s were tried for at Nuremberg to apply to The U.S. so citizens can end that war and then  look at what is going on elsewhere. The Prevention Of Violent Radicalization Act in the U.S.A. if passed by could help explain .

  5. I am a true, committed Catholic who deeply believe in my catholicism and teachings.  I am adamantly opposed to the Death Penalty.  Unlike the American College of Bishops I truly do believe that life is precious from conception to natural death.  Who am I or any other mortal to play God with the life of another human being.  Isn't that the job of the almighty?

  6. One of the few things I admire about Islam, is their judicial system.  Iraq had the criminal Saddam on a rope about a month after his trial ended.  With our year after year of litigation in the U.S. we might could learn something from the towel heads

    As far as the youth..if 14 is the age of majority  that country has chosen, who are we to trifle in their affairs?

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